Sunday 31 March 2013

My first Mantic release...

... and more stuff.

It took them quite some time to get it released but now I can show my first sculpt I did for Mantic from England.
And there is a story behind this sculpt too.
The Artwork for this miniature was done by a guy named Klaus Scherwinski, commissioned by a german tabletop-magazine called Tabletop Insider.
It was to be the front cover of issue no. 07 in January/February 2012:

I got contacted by the magazines' editor to discuss a realisation of the artwork into a miniature.
In the end they did not really know how to distribute the miniature - a give-away in the magazine maybe?
Alas, it was not to be, as they had to realise that they lacked the monetary means to see this venture done and so they came up with the idea to get Mantic into the boat. Said - done!

From what I know Ronnie Renton from Mantic got informed and was thrilled by the idea.
I then got a mail from Mike McVey who at that time was Art Director for Mantic and we discussed the details.
In the middle of June 2012 I had the sculpt finished:

It was the first Sci-Fi miniature I sculpted. Hard surface took me quite some time, but it was fun nonetheless.

This is what it looks like painted in the Mantic Shop:

Tabletop-Art also released some more stuff I did for them. This time it is some pirate banners:

At the moment I am busy finishing another two sculpts for Mantic and painting the last miniatures of my own line. I hope the dwarfs for Schicksalspfade get released soon so that I can show them to you lot.

Till then all the best,
