Tuesday 30 July 2013

Like ice in the sunshine...

...I am melting away...lalalalala...

This day finally sees some relief of the heat of the last days...
Temperatures above 30° Celsius (86°F) and air humidity above 80 % really did dampen my enthusiasm for work (or anything else, that is...well, with the exception of gobbling up large amounts of ice cream...^^).

Anyway, thinks got to keep rolling and so this month too I have some releases to show which got sculpted by my spindly crooked fingers.

Tabletop-Art really took their time releasing the following stuff. The bony pieces were done back in 2011 and the icicles in 2012:

Finished quite recently is the Dark Paladin for a guy called Tim Jonker and his upcoming company:

I sometimes get asked what sculpting putty I do use.
As with all my stuff most of the miniature is sculpted with BeeSPutty, an ofen-hardening sculpting putty designed especially for miniature sculpting (The green parts are done in green stuff and/or a mixture of green stuff and milliput).

One of the many advantages of this BeeSPutty is that it is not mandatory to presculpt the miniature.
This means that you need not have a layer of green stuff or ProCreate or something similar beneath your texture.
You can sculpt right away directly onto your wire armature.

For those who like to sculpt really tiny stuff or just prefer their sculpting putty a bit more firm than usual BeeSPutty is available now in extra firm.

If you are interested to try this putty out, don't miss to have a look at the tutorials Stefan did for the usage of his putty:

YouTube Video 1


YouTube Video 2

Purchasable here.

