Thursday 25 April 2013

On my workbench...

...are my own miniatures at the moment.
Currently I am painting the last two miniatures of my own line. When that is done I will start to do the pictures for the online shop.

Apart from that I have been busy sculpting too.
The two sculpts for Mantic I mentioned last time are finished and shipped to the UK and from what the chaps there tell me May will come along with more commissions to do.
Also finished is a commission for Stronghold Terrain. I did a set of animals for them, maybe you can find them on facebook.
Last but not least I did a first commission for Blight Wheel Miniatures.
As soon as they all release the stuff I will show pictures.

Of course I want to show some pictures now. Victoria Miniatures released more bits for their range so I can show these pics:

The first is a remake of Vic's popular "Kilted Legs". I also did one pair of legs in sitting position for those.
The same I did for the "Conscript Legs". Last in line is a set of beastman legs.

Find her stuff here.

