Saturday, 27 September 2014

The end of my freelancer "era"...

...has come upon me.

Since the beginning of 2011 I have been working professionaly in the miniature sculpting business and since October 2011 I have been doing it as a freelancer - but no more.

I had some hopes that I would be able to spent the rest of my working career in this genre - but, alas, it was not to be.
Though I had enough commissions and loyal costumers, at long sight the effort I put into my freelance career did not pay off for me.

I could pay my monthly bills but in regard of retirement arrangements and family plans the income was way to low, even working up to 70 hours a week.
Either I was working to slow or did not charge enough, or a bit of both, hard for me to judge that without any real possibilities of comparison.

Another negative aspect for me was the fact that even after finishing my days work I did not really have "closing time in my head".

I think my disposition is more of the employee kind by nature...

To make a long story short: From the first of September on I stopped being a freelance miniature sculptor and went back to work in my old job as a dental technician again.

Now, is that the end to RuneCast-Miniatures or this Blog?
No and no!

Both this blog and RuneCast-Miniatures will live on for the time being.
My new employer allows me to keep RuneCast-Miniatures going as a sideline job.
Whenever I feel the call I will do new sculpts for my miniatures line.
Also will I share pictures of the rest of my so far unreleased sculpting commissions.

For now I can share pictures of my very last commission which I did for a private costumer:

The costumer than did not like the eyes very much so the sculpt got changed into a more Giger-like alien without eyes:

Height is over 7 cm and sculpted in BeeSPutty, as usual.

Next time I will reveal a new miniature for my own miniature line as mentioned in my August post.
Will it be a new dwarf? Will it be a new beast kin? Or a new cultist perhaps? We will see...^^



Sunday, 31 August 2014

News for August


So what news from my workbench?

Tabletop-Art released some rats I sculpted for them:

Blight Wheel Miniatures released their Sino Russia Legs I sculpted:

Then I did some conversions for a private costumer:

That's it for now, more will follow soon as I have a new miniature to share for my own line.

Till then,


Tuesday, 29 July 2014

A hungry Swordplayer

Hiho there.

Dwarfs love a hearty meal and good sip of ale.

My newest Swordplayer shows this to full extent. He is somewhat "stronger of build" compared to his unit mates which might be the result of being unable to resist a quick snack even when battle is nigh to commence.

But then again, a good fight needs a good basis, lest you'll be unable to give your weapon a good swing.

So there!  :-)

Anyway, here some pictures of the latest addition of the Lansquenet Bidenhänders:

Swordplayer No. 5

Sculpted using BeeSPutty for most of the miniature and a mixture of GreenStuff and Milliput for the weapon and the tankard. The sword handle I shaped by turning a small piece of plastic rod.

The helmet is a triple-ridged burgonet, for the rest of the armor I focused on a more realistic approach compared to my first Bidenhänder Dwarfs of the Command Group (I hope this suits you, Fernando...^^).

That leaves me having to sculpt one more Swordplayer to reach my goal of 6 troopers for my Bidenhänder elite unit.

But that is something for later.  :-)

Cheers and have fun,


Monday, 30 June 2014

Swordplayer 4 and more

Hello everyone

Having finished another large commission for Ulisses and their upcoming range of DSA Iconics (miniatures for the new edition of "Das schwarze Auge", short: DSA) I was able to find some time to expand my range of Dwarfs in lansquenet style.

In my April post I showed the already purchasable first three Swordplayers for my Bidenhänder unit.
Now I can show you the sculpt of Swordplayer No. 4:

At the moment I am nearly done sculpting No. 5, so I will soon be able to expand the range even further.
I plan to do a Swordplayer No. 6 and maybe even a hero for this unit but that remains to be seen.

What else can I share?

Pictures of these sculpts have already surfaced in the internet so I feel free to share some pictures of my own.

These I sculpted for the upcoming Dwarf Kings Hold - Return of the Necromancer game by Mantic Games:


Twillight Kin Assassin

As always these sculpts were done in BeeSPutty and in case of the Assassin with a mixture of GreenStuff and Milliput.

Monday, 19 May 2014

New Dwarfs now available and other stuff


Good news for those who waited for the Bidenhänder reinforcements - the three new dwarfs presented in my last post are finally available now.

Get them here at PK-PRO Shop

What else happend on my workbench?
At long last Ulisses released the Orcs for their Skirmish Game "Schicksalspfade" I sculpted for them from September to November 2013.

Here some (rather dark) shots:

Then I sculpted some Hell'ington biker legs for Blight Wheel Miniatures:

Apart from that I did some conversions for private persons and am momentarily sculpting the DSA Iconics for the new release of DSA (Das schwarze Auge), a german pen & paper role playing system. Those will be in the same style as these "Schicksalspfade" miniatures.

That much for now, cheers,


Thursday, 10 April 2014

The three new dwarfs painted.

Hiho there.

Last week I managed to get my three new Lansquenet Dwarfs cast and yesterday I finished the painting job on the three Swordplayers.

Today I shot the pictures and am now looking forward to share them with you:

Swordplayer 1

Swordplayer 2 

Swordplayer 3 

So there. :-)

I will have to buy a label writer so that I can put a label with the name and product code on the blistered miniatures, then these are ready to hit the shelves and shops.



Tuesday, 11 March 2014

A long wait for.... Swordplayer 3


I could not post any news in February as all of the stuff I have sculpted in the last weeks is not yet released and so can not be revealed here.

But I hope the news will compensate for the long wait because though I have a very tight schedule of commissions to do I managed to find some time to sculpt another Swordplayer for my Lansquenet Dwarfs:

Swordplayer 3 is sculpted using a new prototype of BeeSPutty called BeeSPuttty Plastic.
The sculpting properties are quite similar to BeeSPutty Rock, just being slightly harder while sculpting and being even harder after baking so that it can easily be sanded, drilled, sawed and even milled.

(Check out this YouTube video where you can see BeeSPutty Plastic being milled).

