Monday 24 December 2012


Or something like that...^^

Yeah, Christmas is here, this year is almost through but I won't let 2012 go without sharing some more pictures with you lot.

It is some kind of a special because most of you won't be able to see pictures of this miniature anywhere else.
Why is that? you might wonder.

Well, because this mini is a promo miniature which was only available when Ulisses started selling their new skirmish game "Schicksalspfade" at the games convention "Spiel 2012" in the city Essen here in Germany back in October.

From what I know only 1000 of this have been cast and are already out of stock. So there!
Working title of this miniature was "Namenloser Geweihter", which means something like "Nameless Sacred One".

On to the pics:

There you go, that's it for 2012.

I whish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




  1. Happy New year any chance of seeing those dwarfs cast up any time soon, Just really want a set or 2 to join my clan.

  2. I know, I know.... I calculated to have those miniatures released last year, but alas, it was not to be.
    All resin masters have been produced by now and I will start to produce the moulds for casting the metal minis soon, so it won't take too long now.
    I won't give a specific date, but my guess at the moment is that the miniatures will see their release this spring, perhaps as soon as March.
    Sorry that I can not be more accurate than that.


